Traincomms News from BWCS

Which UK Train Service has the Best – and Worst – WiFi?

Tuesday 2 Jul 2024

Service comparison website, Bionic, claims to have pinpointed the best (and worst) On-Train WiFi services in the UK. However, some may find the methodology used less than scientific. In order to determine which train operator was offering the poorest WiFi service to passengers, Bionic analysed all negative reviews of each train company.

The results suggest that the best operator, or the one with the least complaints that included WiFi, is ScotRail. At the other end of the scale, came Cross Country Trains, with a considerably higher number of poor reviews that also moaned about the WiFi.

(Full story -


The results, which were reported in ISP Review, were arrived at by combining all negative reviews with ones that contained mentions of the on-board WiFi service. As some commentators have pointed out, this is far from the same as surveying passengers on how they feel about the WiFi on its own.

Indeed, as ISP Review itself is quick to indicate, a more scientific, if more costly approach, would be to measure the speed of connection, or count the number of gaps in coverage etc, rather than just collate negative reviews. Besides, some passenger groups may be more verbose than others when it comes to venting their frustrations online. Alternatively, they may not even be able to connect to the Internet to complain whilst on the train.

Despite all of these caveats, the guide can at least give a broad outline of how happy, or not, passengers appear to be with the WiFi service they are being offered.

Top WiFi on Train Operators for WiFi in the UK (according to Bionc)

Train company         Negative Reviews    Overall rating out of 5          Score

Scotrail                              1%                          3                             2.5

Gatwick Express               1.79%                     3.5                          3.5

Merseyrail                          0%                          3                             3.8

Stanstead Express            2.78%                     3                             5

Transport for Wales           0%                          2.5                          6.3

Worst WiFi on Train Operators for WiFi in the UK (according to Bionc)

Cross-Country                   4.74%                     1.5                          21.8

SW Railway                       2.73%                     1.5                          19.5

BWCS remains open to offers form any company or government organisation who may wish to fund a more rigorous comparative analysis of the state of on-board WiFi services across the UK and indeed Europe.

This year’s WiFi on Trains Conference – Traincomms 2024, will take place on the 13th and 14th of November at the Royal Horseguards Hotel, London.

For more information on getting involved please see or contact .

Please see .

Traincomms 2024 is being sponsored by Huber+Suhner, Westermo, CGI, Boldyn Networks, Galgus and Icomera. Oxyfi, Antonics and Polomarconi will be exhibitors.

The latest programme is available here

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